A Clinimed estará encerrada para férias de 23 de dezembro a 1 de janeiro. Obrigado pela sua compreensão!

General Practice & Family medicine


Clinimed Óbidos has on hand a team of experienced and dedicated General Practice & Family doctors who are responsible, at every step, for your overall well-being and that of your family’s.

General Practice & Family Medicine is a specialty that deals with the individual as a whole, studying the biological, psychological and social aspects. This specialty accompanies the individual and the family unit over the years focusing with great emphasis on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of common illnesses referring, when necessary, to the many specialties on hand.

Count on dedicated professionals who are here for you.
Send us your message. We will get back to you quickly.

Drª Rose Marie Barbosa

Tuesday and Friday

16h to 19h

Drª Raquel monteiro

Monday and Wednesday

15h to 17h

dr Fernando Correia
Monday to Friday

09h to 19h

Drª Ana Luísa Borges


14:30h to 18h