Pedopsychiatry or Psychiatry of Childhood and Adolescence is the medical specialty capable of attending to the age group from 0 to 18 years old, performing the screening, diagnosis and treatment of psychic, emotional and behavioral disorders as well as their prevention.
The main objective of Dr Elsa Martins is to reduce as much as possible the psychological suffering of the patient and his/her relatives so that the child/adolescent is able to resume his/her normal psychoaffective development that for several reasons may be stagnant or regressive, trying by this course of action to avoid that the child evolves to an adult with psychiatric problems.
To achieve this goal, although each pedopsychiatrist has his model of intervention, Dr Elsa Martins argues that an evaluative approach is essential.
Regardless of the age of the child or adolescent in question, considering that it is an individual in psychic and physical development, inserted in a determined family and social environment, on which it depends. A bio-psycho-socio-cultural model is thus put into practice.
After the pedopsychiatric evaluation, based on the model mentioned above,
therapeutic intervention always adapted and particular to each case, including:
- Individual approach to the child
- After careful consideration, when strictly necessary, prescription of drugs;
- Family intervention;
It also favors an interdisciplinary work among the various technicians and resources in the community, so as to provide a more satisfactory response to the needs of those who seek it, such as:
- Articulation with educators, teachers, class directors, school psychologists;
- Cooperation with other health technicians (doctors, nurses, clinical psychologists) directly involved in the overall well-being of the child;
- Articulation with any other entity that evaluates to be essential for the complete clinical evaluation and optimization of the adequacy of the therapeutic intervention to the case.
Although Dr. Elsa Martins is a Medical Doctor and naturally has the prescription
drug therapy at its disposal, places the hypothesis of this therapeutic intervention always as a background. He argues that the population that serves is too young to try to solve the various problems with only drugs. These can help but do not treat. It is therefore his principle to invest always in the foreground in the resources and capacities of the child or young person and his family.
Dr. Elsa Martins thus performs a Multidisciplinary Therapeutic Intervention, which goes beyond the space and time of a consultation, personalized to each situation evaluated and according to the therapeutic project combined with the reference relatives of each minor.
- 1994 – Hospital Assistant of Childhood and Adolescence Psychiatry, until 2005, in civil hospitals.
- Exclusive dedication to Clínica Particular since 2006, keeping in mind the community nature of its activity either through direct articulation
with other health and education technicians in an individualized way, either through Protocols with Institutions that Provide Care for Children
and Adolescence; - Training in Family Therapy;
- Training in the area of Relation and Communication / Spectrum Disorders
autistic; - Experienced intervention in children who extinguish
attention and hyperactivity and other behavior problems.

OM: 35711
Tuesday and Friday
08h to 12h